To inspire humanity in embracing, honoring and engaging change!

A Radio Show, and Live Event Show about the changes going on in our selves, in our lives and in our world. We interview ordinary people who have done extra-ordinary things to either change themselves, help others change or change the world for the better. We are each others' teachers, we are each others students, lets be inspired and become Positive Change Agents ready to usher in the changes we wish to see in the world.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Dr. Doug Lehrer on Life Changes With Filippo - Show #59

Live a Happier, Healthier Prosperous Life with

Dr. Doug, The Body Whisperer...

Change the mental, emotional and physical impurities that sabotage your body and your life...

Discover the keys to healing yourself, your beauty and self-mastery

Dr. Doug Lehrer is a Master Facilitator of energy-mind-body-soul healing.

Board Certified in Quantum Medicine and Quorum Nutrition by the American Naturopathic Board of Medicine

Master Certified in Bio Energetic Medicine

Board Certified Doctor of Chiropractic

Dr. Doug, the body whisperer reads bodies to reveal the hidden causes of pain, weight and body issues, stress and symptoms of dis-ease. Then facilitates clients to heal the causes to correct, change and heal their body, relationships, prosperity and restore their beauty.

Dr. Doug, a pioneer in Energy Medicine has put together all the missing pieces of what it takes to heal, change and Generate Wellness. He has helped thousands of people from around the world who chose to heal their bodies and change their lives.

A new and exciting voice in the fields of health, wealth, nutrition, healing, relationships and expanding consciousness, Dr. Doug addresses "WELLNESS" in a WHOLE new way MAKING getting well and living well a life-chaning experience.

Dr. Doug empowers his audiences to take charge of their "power to heal anything in their lives.”

New Product - Dr. Doug Lehrer's Phenomenal Living & Generating Wellness CD’s/DVD’s & Workbook

Contact Information: cell 707-495-5000

Availability - Nationwide by arrangement

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