To inspire humanity in embracing, honoring and engaging change!

A Radio Show, and Live Event Show about the changes going on in our selves, in our lives and in our world. We interview ordinary people who have done extra-ordinary things to either change themselves, help others change or change the world for the better. We are each others' teachers, we are each others students, lets be inspired and become Positive Change Agents ready to usher in the changes we wish to see in the world.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Ramon Govea Gomez on Life Changes With Filippo

Ramon Govea Gomez was our guest on Life Changes With Filippo tonight. This show was also taped for Youtube, thanks to Ken Sheetz of You can find that video at or through the links at where you will also find the audio version of this interview/show and be able to hear it in its entirety.

Producer, Actor, Director, and Award-Winning Screenwriter, Ramon Govea Gomez has been tackling Hollywood from the ground up, since his return in late 2007. Since then the passionate filmmaker has written 7 shorts, 3 features and is currently a producer for a new TV series slated to hit the airwaves this year.

Two of his shorts garnered recognition in the 2008 NYC Midnight Screenwriter's Challenge, earning 1st place for his ghost story, Lost and Found, and Honorable Mention for his drama thriller, Heir to an Empire.

Ramon is currently a Writer & Producer for the PBS show Ancient Tomorrow:. The reality adventure show will take us on an epic journey around the world in search of ancient technology that could sustain our future as a species.

1 AM, his highly anticipated directorial debut is slated for production later this year. The short film is a thriller that will hit the film festival circuit in early 2011.

After a surprising return to the craft of acting, his passion is fueled by monthly performances at the Actor's Lounge LA. All of the performances are co-written and performed with The Actor's Studio finalist Brett E. Collier.

Ramon's work is known for defying generic genre classification and highlights elements from each to create strong characters with unique tales. Highly influenced by American Film, the work of Plato and Shakespeare, Oral Tradition, Human Interaction Patterns, and Spirituality, these areas of study are channeled toward a single goal. Become one of the most influential minds of the 21st Century.

Returning to his place of birth, Southern California, driven by the desire to impact the entertainment industry, Ramón Govea Gómez strives to create art that reveals life. Inspired by ancient philosophies and the universal truths presented in myth, he is a storyteller that inspires for the greater development of global consciousness.

Thank you Ramon for being part of the show and for being, along with us, a Positive Change Agent, ushering in the changes we wish to see in the world.

Filippo Voltaggio

Monday, February 15, 2010

Bradley Quick on LIfe Changes With Filippo

Bradley Quick was our guest on Life Changes With Filippo Radio Show tonight, and this was a night of many firsts. I believe this was the first time we had another radio host on the show. Bradley is the host of "The Quick Fix with Bradley Quick." It was also the first time that we taped the show for Youtube. You can see the show on our Youtube Channel at, thanks to Ken Sheetz of, or hear it on our Archived Radio Show pages on our website at

Bradley G. Quick C.Ht

TV/Radio Host – Author – Motivational Speaker, Life Enhancement Specialist, Visionary. My passion in life is to help people. I do that through my books, CD's, radio show, and seminars. Check it out at:

Here is a small piece of Bradley's story...

You may, or may not, relate to my story only you can make that decision. However, while reading my life experience keep in mind that if this process can work for me, this process will most likely work for you, if you work at it. If you don’t, it absolutely won’t work for you and you will be wasting your time.

I was born May 11, the second eldest in a family of nine, seven children and my mother and father. By the time I was eight years old, four of my brothers and my only sister had died of cystic fibrosis. The memories I have of that part of my life are not as severe as one might imagine. Then again, suppressing these memories may very well be my brain’s way of avoiding pain. However, I can only now realize how devastating that time must have been for my parents. My mother tells me how she and my father would leave the house for the hospital with one of the children and return without the child in hand, only to find me watching anxiously through the window anticipating their return with my sibling. Upon my acknowledging the obvious, the death of another, I would go stand in the corner and say nothing, listen to no one’s explanation, and show no emotion. I internalized it all, the abandonment, the guilt and the loss.

I started 1st grade at three years old in a private school. They said I was a gifted child. I could speak French and Spanish and was very good in math. My father had even taught me to play chess. Though not apparent on the outside, at that young age inside I was reeling from the pain.

To read more of the story go to where you can also hear the entire interview.

Thank you Bradley for being on our show and for being, along with us, a Positive Change Agent, and ushering in the changes we wish to see in the world.

Filippo Voltaggio

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Up until now our Life Changes Live! events have been presented by Off Hollywood Media, but this is the first time that we do an event in collaboration with another event. And this was not just any event, it was the Conscious Life Expo of Los Angeles.

This is a premier event in this Industry, attracting hundreds of vendors and around 10,000 attendees over a three day period, and now because of our event, being the day before, it has been extended over a four day period.

So here we are, not even a year old as a company and already we're playing with the big guys, and we are very excited and honored to be doing so.

Our event was the Pre-Conference Kick-off to the Conscious Life Expo this year. What a way for us to Kick-off our own New Year.

Our guest tonight was Dr. Ken Best who spoke about our personal "Rabbit Holes," and how we get in them and how we can get out of them. Many of you may remember Dr. Best from a previous radio show. To learn more about him and his work, visit him at

Dr. Ken had a "This is your life," type of surprise, when our very own Producer Mark M. Laisure, surprised him with a song, as a way of thanking him for the work that he has done with him. This was the first time that Mark had sung on our show, live or radio, or for that matter, on stage in many years, but from the reaction of the audience, it won't be the last.

Marco Missinato provided his beautiful accompaniment to the evening with his own compositions setting the mood for the show. And our guest musician was Bernard Harris, who currently happened to be homeless, who sang one of his compositions. Then Barnard Harris was joined by my friend Laura De Leon and myself and together the three of us sang "Ooh Ooh Child... Things are going to get easier...." This was quite a special moment.

This all came about because Life Changes was honoring Charles Hill as the Luminary of the Month at our event tonight, which we did. Charles is the Founder of the non-profit organization, United Steps. United Stpes offers simple solutions to addressing homelessness in Los Angeles, solutions that every day people can apply to all aspects of life. United Steps’ practical approach of talking to people, but more importantly, listening to people resonated strongly with the audience. Charles stated “We see people as answers, not problems."

The evening ended with Dorothy Lee Donahue addressing the audience with her "State of the Universe Address," and Mark M. Laisure leading a guided visualization, and with the audience members staying for over an hour after the event. We are getting used to that, we don't take it for granted, but we do like it, it makes us feel like we did our job.

To learn more about our live events or radio shows, etc., visit our website at

Thank you to all the participants and our attendees, it is for you that we take pride in joy in doing these.

Filippo Voltaggio

Monday, February 8, 2010

Ranan Shahar on Life Changes With Filippo

Our guest tonight, flew in from Hawaii only hours earlier where he was teaching a seminar, and as tired as he was, he came into the studio and recorded this interview. He is Ranan Shahar.

Ranan Shahar, is founder of New Dawn Clinic in Los Angeles, CA. Having gone through the personal crisis of the loss of one of his children through cancer, he has fostered the desire to seek out and learn healing techniques to maintain and restore optimal wellness for himself, his family and others.

Originally from Israel, Ranan’s continuing desire for tools in the healing arts has taken him to the four corners of the globe in his search of truth and understanding of human nature. Ranan Shahar is truly a unique and talented healer whose work is to improve the quality of human life for all. He does this by balancing the five elements (earth, metal, water, wood and fire) through techniques that eliminate allergies that often result in asthma, chronic fatigue, chronic and severe migraine headaches, hormonal imbalances and fibromyalgia etc. This opens up the patient to experience total integration at the core of their being. Regardless of the symptoms, whether physical, emotional or mental, the essence and goal of Ranan’s practice is to help his patients become more loving, peaceful, creative, happy and vibrantly healthy.

Ranan is a Master of Oriental Medicine, a licensed acupuncturist, a certified hypnotherapist, a certified practitioner of BRT, a certified practitioner and international instructor of NAET. He is also certified in the revolutionary AtlasPROfilax technique from Switzerland. He combines wisdom and techniques of the east and west and, by the integration of these techniques, Ranan is able to help patients over come old counter productive lifestyle choices and diseases that have been plaguing them for years. The focus of his evolving work is the balance and integration of the body/mind/spirit connection. Ranan believes the opening of the heart is one of the master keys to transform the body’s ability to come into balance and achieve optimal wellness.

You can learn about Ranan at his website above or at our website where you can also hear this interview in it's entirety and learn about other such guests.

Thank you Ranan for being on our show and for being, along with us, a Positive Change Agent, ushering in the changes we wish to see in the world.

Filippo Voltaggio

Monday, February 1, 2010

Jaia Lee on Life Changes With Filippo

It's always a pleasure for me to have guests on that are singer/songwriters. Not only do we get to play and hear their music on the show but we can talk about their inspiration for the songs, and for that matter, their lives. Our guest tonight on Life Changes With Filippo talked about that and more and you'd be surprised what she does with her music and her "ministry," so to speak.

Hear the entire interview at

This is what Jaia says about herself.
"I'm a writer, and as a singer/songwriter/poet have 'performed' here and there, although I hesitate to call it me it feels more like prayer... and people cry... love it when it goes deep like that and touches people. I also got into raw food and cleansing and am amazed how much healing happens through simple changes (sometimes radical, but still simple).

I have a book called Living Beyond Belief; How to Ditch the Life your Mind has Created and Start Living the One Your Soul Intended..... it has poetry as well as inspired thought and personal story-- I used to be 250 lbs, and in an abusive marriage.

Today, even through we are no longer married, the 'abuser' is my friend, as in a deeper reality he was only reflecting my own self-abuse. There is a chapter on Projection in the book, with the insight that if we could all take 100% responsibility for what is showing up in our lives..and change ourselves inside, things would change in huge ways!

I have also been doing classes in prison for several years and am in the process of putting together a non-profit for that work. I see a world where all prisons have transformed into healing centers. It's the only thing that makes sense as the old falls away and we move into this more enlightened world."

Learn more about Jaia at her website or of course at our website,

Thank you Jaia for being on our show and for being, along with us, a Positive Change Agent, ushering in the changes we wish to see in the world.

Filippo Voltaggio