To inspire humanity in embracing, honoring and engaging change!

A Radio Show, and Live Event Show about the changes going on in our selves, in our lives and in our world. We interview ordinary people who have done extra-ordinary things to either change themselves, help others change or change the world for the better. We are each others' teachers, we are each others students, lets be inspired and become Positive Change Agents ready to usher in the changes we wish to see in the world.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Kelly Gallagher on Life Changes With Filippo

I first met our guest while she was just getting out of the hospital after a major surgery and illness and she needed my help just to walk. It was a pleasure to see her looking great, sexy, happy and very much alive tonight. Our guest on Life Changes With Filippo Radio Show tonight was Kelly Gallagher.

Kelly Gallagher is a very special lady whose struggles stand as a light to all of us in the medical field of what can happen if the spirit to live rises above the wail of doubt and pessimism known as diagnosis. As a 5 time cancer survivor she has a unique position from which she can proclaim that there is hope no matter how hopeless the situation is perceived by the prevailing experts. She decided that it is her body, it is her mind, it is her spirit, and it is her life – none of which did she completely turn over to the medical establishment. With indomitable spirit she overcame to not only survive, but to have a passion for life that only a few can truly appreciate.

From what at times was only the faintest spark of life a flame of desire and determination has arisen. At a time when she truly thought she would die she called out to God and promised Him that should she live, she would do what He asked. This film is the result of that promise. A promise so filled with hope that she has spent 7 years of her life and all of her assets. Not willing to stand on the sidelines and see what could be, she has gone forth determined to make a difference. Mercury in Retrograde stands as a testimony of what one person with God can do to help a single individual and to change a 150 year old medical paradigm.

Learn more about Kelly Gallagher and her movie at or you can always go to and also currently be able to hear the entire interview on our Archived Show Pages.

Thank you Kelly for being well again, for being on our show, and for being, along with us, a Positive Change Agent, helping to usher in the changes we wish to see in the world.


Monday, October 19, 2009

James Gilliland on Life Changes With Filippo

I had had the pleasure of interviewing our guest tonight once before, on camera as a matter of fact, but this time it was over the phone but it was just as interesting. Our guest tonight on Life Changes With Filippo was James Gilliland. I have a funny story about first meeting James that I share on the show.

But, funny and interesting story aside, James Gilliland is the director of the Self Mastery Earth Institute and ECETI, Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence. After a Near Death Experience James returned with what he refers to as Interdimensional Mind; the ability to move beyond the body and the personality into other planes and dimensions throughout the multiverse. This includes the ability to experience different time lines and future probabilities. He is dedicated to the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth as well as researching and ushering in new healing and Earth friendly energy technologies. James has a timely message, and now is the time for this message. He will change the way you look at the sky and think about extraterrestrials if you listen to the show, which you currently can by visiting and clicking on our Archived Show Pages.

James Gilliland was raised in a small desert town spending most of his time in nature. He studied biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, pre-law and pre-dental, yet did not acquire a degree or practice professionally. James has in depth experience and knowledge in construction industry, grocery industry, real estate industry and owned his own commercial real estate company which developed and managed shopping centers and other large multi-million dollar projects. He was also on the board of directors for the chamber of commerce.

After a near death experience brought about by drowning, James could no longer continue business as usual. His eyes were fully opened, and he saw the lack of love and joy in his life and his work. Success through material acquisition, “the American dream”, was now seen for its emptiness. He realized that the temporary joy and pleasure possessions and outer appearances brought were not the goal and began his inward journey. After experiencing the pure unconditional love and joy, “BLISS”, of connecting directly to the source during his near death experience, all that mattered was to reconnect and maintain that contact.

This began a spiritual journey and 20 year quest which included 6 years of Yoga, The Inner Christ Ministry, and the Tibetan foundation were he was certified as being an intuitive visionary of the highest consciousness and energy. He has studied with other yogis, lamas, master teachers and continuously has been taught from within through his extensive practicing of meditation. He is a teacher, spiritual counselor, energetic healer, and published author, “Becoming Gods 1 & 2”, which can be sent upon request. He was recently honored by a venerated teacher in the Lama traditions as ”Rigdzin Norbu” which translated means "Jewel of Pure Awareness.”

After his NDE, James received the gift of Interdimensional Mind and the ability to transfer powerful consciousness and energy to others, helping them in their own awakening and healing process. He is a Published Author of REUNION WITH SOURCE and BECOMMING GODS II, Master Teacher and Energetic Healer. His over twenty years of experience include 6 years of Yoga, Teaching of the Inner Christ Ministry and the Tibetan Foundation where he is certified as a conscious channel of the Highest Consciousness and Energy.

He's lived a semi-reclusive life since 1986 at the Sattva Sanctuary, a 70 acre mountain retreat located at the base of Mt. Adams in Trout Lake, Washington. The Sanctuary has been in operation since 1986. It has been recognized by many sensitives, intuitives, adepts, and masters of all walks for its spiritual qualities which greatly enhance and accelerate the awakening and healing process. The Sanctuary and those who participate are dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth, body, mind and spirit.

Most recently James has been featured in John Savages' and Michael Knight's documentary "Contact Has Begun" His Story with James Gilliland. James Gilliland plays the key figure in the movie documentary, Contact Has Begun. This movie is also featured in, The Veil is Lifting, and the new soon to be released movie, Thrive. He has appeared on The Coast to Coast AM Show, has been a frequent guest on the Jeff Rense Sightings on the Radio, Laura Lee Show, Millennium Mysteries, Sean David Morton and Shine Talk where he demonstrated charging 9 batteries in a row by merely holding them, and other to numerous to mention radio shows.

He has been a speaker at many events and featured on the The History Channel's, "UFOs Then and now: Hot Spots", ABC and FOX news, King 5 (Seattle) TV's Evening Magazine, Elaine Smitha, Daylene Gates Simply Spiritual, Off The Record with Ted Loman, International UFO Congress, and many other national and now international TV, radio and other media events.

His articles and UFO reports have been featured by Magical Blend and UFO Magazine and have been regularly featured by major UFO information outlets such as Filer's Files, UFO Roundup, CAUS,MUFON, Skywatch International, PSI Applications, UFORC.Com, Farshores, The Virtually Strange Network.

Thank you James for being on our show and for being, along with us, a Positive Change Agent, ushering in the changes we wish to see in the world.


Monday, October 12, 2009

Jon Biel on Life Changes With Filippo

Our guest on Life Changes With Filippo Radio Show was Jon Biel.

Jon Biel is a consultant, a featured protagonist in the film “Riches,” and a Social Entrepreneur. Together with his daughter, actress Jessica Biel and his business partner Kent McBride, he Co-founded and is CEO of MTDN, (Make The Difference Network). Jon will change the way you donate to your favorite charities, if you let him, and it will change the lives of many who will benefit from what his company has set up for nonprofit organizations, if they let it.

Make The Difference Network (MTDN) is a cause-oriented social network that connects nonprofit organizations who have specific “Wishes” they need funded, with potential donors who want to make direct donations in support of those specific Wishes.

"We help ordinary citizens become ‘Grassroots Philanthropists,’ while providing nonprofits with technology, training and traffic to extend their message and attract more donations." Jon says about his company.

MTDN also provides further support for nonprofit organizations through our Businesses Who Care program, an innovative Cause Marketing program that allows businesses to provide enhanced technology, marketing tools, and on-line donation capability to nonprofits they Sponsor on MTDN. This program creates a powerful link between a nonprofit and a sponsoring business and is truly innovative and measurable cause marketing tool applicable to small and large businesses as well a corporations.

To learn more about it, visit I had interviewed Jon Biel a couple times before, but this time we went deeper into the technology and some interesting ideas Jon has for non-profit organizations and how they can use technology to serve themselves and their donors better, and vice versa. Seems to me, it is sound advise for those who are in this business of helping others through such organizations.

You can currently hear what Jon shared by going to and clicking on our Archived Shows Pages.

Thank you Jon for being a guest on our show and for being, along with us, a Positive Change Agent, ushering in the changes we wish to see in the world.


Monday, October 5, 2009

Jason Hughes on Life Changes With Filippo

Our guest tonight on Life Changes With Filippo Radio Show was Jason Hughes.

Jason Hughes is a tennis pro and trainer turned Holistic Life Coach and Author of the book “One Man’s Love Story: A Near Death Experience.” His story starts when at 16 years of age he and his best friend are involved in a deadly car crash. The driver and he both die, only he has a near death experience and come back to tell the story and resume his life. Only now, his life is about embracing the oneness and love. Jason’s unassuming style makes you change the way you look at your reason for being.

Jason writes,“My training is revolved around embracing a client on whatever level they come to me on. Holistic Life Coaching is about a mind, body, spirit approach to living effectively as you see fit. I offer a heart-centered approach to healing pain from the past and present, facilitating the self-actualization process for the life you deserve, and working together towards a common purpose.

Holistic Life Coaching, Offering an Open Heart, Healing Traumatic/Painful Experiences, Focused Present Moment Awareness, Near-Death Experiences

"One Man's Love Story: A Near Death Experience" (

You can currently hear this interview in it's entirety if you visit and click on our Archived Radio Show pages.

Thank you Jason for being on our show and for being, along with us, a Positive Change Agent, ushering in the changes we wish to see in the world.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Life Changes Live! With Guest Eric Pearl

Our Life Changes Live! Event tonight was the biggest yet. We held it at the Universal City Hilton in Ballroom A and we had such a great turn out, the best yet. Our guest was our most well known yet, as a matter of fact, we were very honored to have him, and he was gracious and magnanimous.

Our guest was Eric Pearl, and since we haven't had the pleasure of having him on our radio show and of writing about him on this blog yet, I'll share a little bit about him here.

Eric is an internationally recognized healer who has appeared on countless television programs in the US and around the world, spoken by invitation at the United Nations, presented to a full house at Madison Square Garden, been interviewed in various publications including The New York Times, and most recently featured in the film, The Living Matrix.

As a doctor, Eric ran a highly successful chiropractic practice for 12 years until one day his patients began reporting that they felt his hands on them – even though he hadn’t physically touched them. Patients soon reported receiving miraculous healings from cancers, AIDS-related diseases, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, birth disfigurements, cerebral palsy and other serious afflictions. All this occurred when Eric simply held his hands near them – and to this day, it continues.

His patients’ healings have been documented in six books to date, including Eric’s own international bestseller, The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself, soon to be in 36 languages.

To learn more about Eric and the work that he does, visit

Our musical guest was Sybil Ferere, who accompanied herself on guitar and sang two of her original compositions that visibly moved the audience.

Our Luminary of the Month was Reeves Ananda Elyce who came with ten students who she and a colleague have helped. The children had been kicked out of High School for various reasons, and Ananda is helping them learn how to be the power in their world. More power to them, more power to you Ananda and everyone involved in this volunteer program.

One of the vendors at the event, was so taken by what Ananda and her group are doing, that they donated the revenues they made that night to Ananda's non-profit organization. Now that's what Life Changes is all about!

As usual we had Marco Missinato's beautiful music, and Dorothy Lee Donahue's "State of the Universe" Address and Mark M. Laisure's reading of the visualization.

And we're off. Life Changes Live! has got it's legs! To learn about our future events, or our radio shows, etc., visit our website at

Thank you again to all who participated and to all who attended. It is and was our pleasure serving you all by putting on Life Changes Live! tonight.

Filippo Voltaggio

P.S. A special thank you go to Mark Gregor, Aggie Kobrin of CEC Global Events and Steven Yamin of CEG for helping make aspects of this evening possible.