To inspire humanity in embracing, honoring and engaging change!

A Radio Show, and Live Event Show about the changes going on in our selves, in our lives and in our world. We interview ordinary people who have done extra-ordinary things to either change themselves, help others change or change the world for the better. We are each others' teachers, we are each others students, lets be inspired and become Positive Change Agents ready to usher in the changes we wish to see in the world.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Greg Larsen on Life Changes With Filippo

Greg Larsen was our guest on Life Changes With Filippo Radio Show tonight. I knew this show with Greg would be a unique show. On the one hand we were going to talk about his life coaching and his radio show that he hosts "Living With Tolle." And yet on the other hand we were going to talk about an often touchy subject matter, our relationships with our Fathers and how to improve them. And if that was not enough, he was going to play for us a song he Co-wrote about just that.

So this show had so much potential, and it certainly lived up to it. You can hear the interview and show in its entirety by going to our website at and clicking on this or any number of other shows in the Archived Radio Show Pages.

Greg Larsen is a spiritual life coach, spiritual teacher, and co-host of Living with Tolle, a #1 podcast on iTunes with an international audience in over 100 countries. He is passionate about the teachings of Eckhart Tolle and supporting people with their spiritual awakening by deepening their experience of Tolle’s teachings.

After experiencing the profound highs of a spiritual awakening in 1992, and the abysmal lows of a divorce in 1999, an introduction to the teachings of Eckhart Tolle in 2000 facilitated a healing and integration of these two life-changing events. Since 2003, Greg has led hundreds of group meetings and presented talks on the teachings of Eckhart Tolle across the US, facilitating a highly experiential and interactive presentation.

His artistic background includes a B.A. in Theater Studies from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, MN, with stage credits in Minneapolis and London. Greg also spent five years in Nashville as a singer/songwriter before moving to Los Angeles in 2003 to begin work on his upcoming book, Happy as Humanly Possible.

Greg is a graduate of Coach for Life and certified as a seminar leader by the American Seminar Leaders Association. His corporate experience includes twelve years in marketing and sales, including inside sales, outside sales, retail sales management, and project manager for national initiatives ranging from business in jeopardy to employee engagement.

He lives in Los Angeles with his wife Sarah and their children Jasmine and Tyler and I am happy to know them all.

I am also happy that Greg, you were on our show tonight, thank you, and thank you also for being, along with a growing number of us, a Positive Change Agent, ushering in the changes that we wish to see in the world.

Filippo Voltaggio

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life Changes Live! With LuAn Mitchell

Our Life Changes Live! Event tonight was Co-Presented by Off Hollywood Media and eWomen Network. This was made possible in large part to Aggie Kobrin of CEC Global and Off Hollywood Media, to whom we are very grateful.

It was a great collaboration and we were happy to work with everybody involved. This event brought us back to Orange County and the place where we held our first Life Changes Live! ever, the Irvine Hilton.

Our guest tonight was LuAn Mitchell. LuAn is an entrepreneur, corporate executive, author, motivational speaker, Motivational Movie Star, philanthropist mother of four and grandmother, LuAn Mitchell has lived a life of wide experience, harsh reality and repeated triumph.

Here story captivated the audience tonight and I trust inspired many to triumph over their own adversities.

We were graced with the music of Marco Missinato who has begun providing a backdrop of music not only to the whole show, but specifically to the interviews. It has been working so well that many people have commented on how much they like it, that it has become a signature piece for our live events.

Our musical guest was Edwing, who performed an original piece on instruments known as zithers. I then got the opportunity to sing a couple songs with him, which is something I enjoy doing very much.

Our Luminary of the Month was Robbie Motter. Robbie probably has the longest list of volunteerism and charity work and unofficial humanitarian work than anyone I know. It was an honor honoring someone who does so much for the communities she serves. And that's what we're all about.

The night would not be complete without the "State of the Universe" Address by Dorothy Lee Donahue. This segment, which is an audience pleasure is going to have a name change soon, stay tuned. And of course, we ended with the guided visualization by Mark M. Laisure. It is amazing to watch a audience who has been engaged and laughing etc., along with us during the show, quiet completely down and together visualize a better world.

And so we are making a difference, together. To learn more about our events and show, or how you can get involved, visit our website at

Thank you to all who participated and all who attended. We really are being the change we wish to see in the world.

Filippo Voltaggio

Monday, April 19, 2010

Samuel Kiwasz on Life Changes With Filippo

Has it ever happened to you that you ask a question and, better yet, sometimes you even know the answer, but then you go and ask it, and get the answer you already knew? But worse, then you go and have to give the answer to someone else and you give the wrong answer?

What am I trying to say? Well, I am big on people's names. I like my name and love it when people care enough to pronounce it the way I like hearing it, with as much of an Italian accent as possible. Sometimes I write it out for people phonetically like Fee-Lee-Poe Vol-Tah- Geo, and I put an accent over the Tah.

Well, I had known Samuel for sometime, but never knew his last name. When I first saw it written, I knew exactly how to say it, but I wanted to make sure. So I asked Samuel how to pronounce his last name, which he pronounced for me, and it was exactly what I thought it should be. But then an hour later, I get on the air, and pronounce his name all wrong. What does that happen?

Too funny. Samuel was a good sport about it, and we had a chuckle. Not that we needed that to start off a great interview, I already knew it was going to be such, initial chuckle or not. You can hear my flub up when listening to the archive of this show in its entirety at on the Archived Radio Show Pages.

With that, I should say at this point, that Samuel Kiwasz, pronounced Key-Vash, was our guest on Life Changes With Filippo Radio Show tonight.

Samuel has extensive experience as a conscious community synergist. A native of Los Angeles he was the founder/facilitator of Transformational Friends of Santa Monica from 1989 - 1991.

This was a grassroots community group that met at his home every week to share meditation, music, speakers from the community, wholesome food and consciousness raising movies.

Recently, he has retired from his job as an independent studies teacher in the Los Angeles Unified School District after 22 years. Samuel considers himself a lifelong student, and lifelong teacher.

He has a Masters Degree in American Studies from Pepperdine University and has created and taught his original seminar called "Sacred Geometry, A Way of Life," for over twelve years.

For the last five years, he has been involved in sending daily email blasts from to his large list of people involved in consciousness, health and socially relevant topics. He is about to create a monthly calendar on his website to list worthwhile events for the mind, body, spirit "cultural creative" community.

Currently, every month or two, Samuel and his wife, Pauline, host speakers at their home who have something invaluable to share for the raising the awareness of our society. He has also been instrumental in helping some healers in Los Angeles with marketing in order to get their practice off the ground.

Samuel's main website, is dedicated to building Conscious Community and features Sacred Geometry Pendants that people can wear to increase their Vibrational Frequency. His other website features products like Miron VioletFlame Glass Bottles and Jars to improve the absorbability of water and increase the lifeforce of superfoods while helping them to stay fresher longer.

Serving as a social alchemist, he has a passion for connecting people to whatever it is that will take them to their next level of spiritual development.

Contact info:


Thank you Samuel for being on our show and for being, along with us, a growing number of people, of which you are a part of helping grow the numbers, of Positive Change Agents, who are ushering the changes we wish to see in the world.

Filippo Voltaggio

Monday, April 12, 2010

Nanice Ellis on Life Changes With Filippo

I got a very nice compliment after the show tonight that really meant a lot, coming from one of my biggest critics. The compliment was, "This was one of the best interviews I have ever heard on radio." WOW! And the interview was with Nanice Ellis who was our guest on Life Changes With Filippo Radio Show tonight.

You can hear this interview at

Nanice Ellis

Awakening Facilitator

Master Results Coach, Speaker and Author

Master NLP Practitioner

Member – NLP Society

Neurological Repatterning

Performance Consultant

Master of Hypnosis

Member of International

Federation of Hypnosis

As well as a powerful speaker, author and intuitive counselor and coach, Nanice Ellis is an Awakening Facilitator and master at turning challenges into triumphs. Through her wisdom, enthusiasm and unbelievable positive energy, Nanice creates significant, life-altering transformation in a safe and compassionate environment of unconditional acceptance and support.

Nanice understands that only in the face of fear, can we discover courage, and only when we feel most lost can we finally find our way home. In this truth she has found her sole purpose - to help others find their way through the darkness into the light, creating a safe space for virtually anyone to look deep within themselves and discover their own truths while tapping into their unlimited potential. Because of her unwavering love and compassion, others gravitate to Nanice for acceptance and support, trusting her to share in their journeys toward unconditional self acceptance.

Message from Nanice

I am a POWERFUL Healer and Coach because

I am crystal clear in mind, body and spirit

My intuition is unshakable

My intent is pure

I see everyone as whole and perfect without conditions. When you view another as whole and perfect, regardless of current conditions, their DNA responds to that observation and reorganizes itself to a higher truth. This is the inner workings of the best healers on the planet

Everything I do and say is congruent with unconditional LOVE and unbounded COMPASSION - which doesn't grow on trees but can be planted as seeds in the heart of another.

I never leave a person in their version of the "dark". I always see them through to the light.

I completely know and understand each step of the journey towards awakening.

I provide guidance and support on all levels - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual as needed.

I speak to you, wherever you consciously are, in a way that easily resonates with you unquestionably. Doubt and uncertainty vanish into nothingness, allowing the space for healing and transformation.

I have walked this path my self without any guidance or help - ultimately the seemingly complicated and confusing process empowered me with the divine mastery of knowing exactly how to free myself and countless others from the known and hidden traps of our minds. You get to benefit from my endless trials and errors that lasted way too many years to count. I can tell you now, I am grateful for every moment of confusion, fear and uncertainty because I now have the ability to facilitate awakening in individuals and groups in virtually no time at all. The path that ultimately taught me how to wake myself up led me to the peace, love and clarity of Who I Really Am - finally unlocking the mystery of my purpose on Earth.

Nanice coaches individuals, couples and groups around the world in discovering their authentic selves and tapping into the courage and inspiration to live extraordinary lives that support who they really are from the inside out. Her international clientele look to her to provide guidance, support and advice in assisting them to obtain personal and professional success. She is considered an expert in Spirituality, Self Esteem, Manifestation, Transformation, Intuition, Relationships, Communicating, Energy, Peace, Prosperity and Healing.

Nanice is a master at captivating audiences and leaving them wanting for more. Her passion for life shines through in her energetic spirit while her enthusiasm and excitement is contagious. She specializes in keynote presentations, seminars and workshops on Personal Transformation, Living from the Heart, Spirituality, Creating Extraordinary Relationships, Intuition, Uncovering Infinite Potential in the Workplace, Communication, Inner Power, Creating Peace & Balance, Discovering Your True Self and much more. Nanice has also appeared on Good Things Utah, E.S.P. And The Universe, Getting Personal with Linda Stein, Six Degrees Advice Line and in the Salt Lake Tribune. She is also the author of the inspirational books; The Infinite Power of YOU! Is There a White Elephant in Your Way? What If…? and Even Gandhi Got Hungry and Buddha Got Mad!, and the 30 Day Gratitude Journal.

Nanice has a Bachelor of Science in Community and Human Services, and is certified as a Master Results Coach and Master NLP Practitioner. She is vastly experienced in Coaching, Crisis Counseling, and Intuitive Consulting with more than 20 years of Public Speaking experience. Nanice is a member of both the NLP Society and the International Federation of Hypnosis.

Thank you Nanice for being on our show tonight and for being, along with a growing number of us, a Positive Change Agent, ushering in the changes we wish to see in the world.

Filippo Voltaggio

Monday, April 5, 2010

Molly Wendell on Life Changes With Filippo

Our guest tonight would have the distinction to be our first guest of the start of our second year broadcasting as Life Changes With Filippo on the BBS Radio Network. That guest was to be Molly Wendell. This was a special show because Molly and I have known each other for many years, in fact we worked together in what seems to be a whole other life. We actually had lost contact in all these years since I left the corporate world and started singing and then worked in radio to eventually come to this.

I heard she had written a book and I got a hold of her and saw how her book really aligned with what we are doing here at Life Changes and invited her to be on the show. It is interesting to note that we have both become what we had hoped the other would be, back when we knew each other. You'll have to hear the interview to know what I mean.

You can her this interview at, on the Archived Radio Show Pages.

What made this show special, besides it being our first show of our second year in radio, was that this felt like a reunion, having Molly on the air. And Molly, had some great news to share. She is getting married for the first time in just two weeks, so I was happy she took the time in the midst of all that work and excitement and preparation to spend this hour with us.

Molly Wendell, is also known as “The Job Whisperer.” She’s the author of “The New Job Search: Break all the rules. Get connected. And get hired faster for the money you’re worth.” Molly was once out of work for two years and three days, and then she changed her job-search approach and had more than 30 job offers in 90 days. Since then, Molly has helped thousands of people land jobs. She’s currently President of Executives Network, a networking group exclusively for executives.

About Executives Network
Executives Network is a unique national peer-networking resource exclusively for executives (director, VP and C-level). The company was formed in Phoenix in 2002 as Arizona Executives and has quickly grown to thousands of members in 11 locations nationwide. Through monthly networking meetings, industry specific teleconferences and exclusive access to a proprietary database of professionals nationwide, Executives Network President Molly Wendell and her organization have helped thousands of executives land new positions. For more information, visit

Thank you Molly for being on our show and for being, along with a growing number of us, a Positive Change Agent, ushering in the changes we wish to see in the world.

Filippo Voltaggio