To inspire humanity in embracing, honoring and engaging change!

A Radio Show, and Live Event Show about the changes going on in our selves, in our lives and in our world. We interview ordinary people who have done extra-ordinary things to either change themselves, help others change or change the world for the better. We are each others' teachers, we are each others students, lets be inspired and become Positive Change Agents ready to usher in the changes we wish to see in the world.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Samuel Kiwasz on Life Changes With Filippo

Has it ever happened to you that you ask a question and, better yet, sometimes you even know the answer, but then you go and ask it, and get the answer you already knew? But worse, then you go and have to give the answer to someone else and you give the wrong answer?

What am I trying to say? Well, I am big on people's names. I like my name and love it when people care enough to pronounce it the way I like hearing it, with as much of an Italian accent as possible. Sometimes I write it out for people phonetically like Fee-Lee-Poe Vol-Tah- Geo, and I put an accent over the Tah.

Well, I had known Samuel for sometime, but never knew his last name. When I first saw it written, I knew exactly how to say it, but I wanted to make sure. So I asked Samuel how to pronounce his last name, which he pronounced for me, and it was exactly what I thought it should be. But then an hour later, I get on the air, and pronounce his name all wrong. What does that happen?

Too funny. Samuel was a good sport about it, and we had a chuckle. Not that we needed that to start off a great interview, I already knew it was going to be such, initial chuckle or not. You can hear my flub up when listening to the archive of this show in its entirety at on the Archived Radio Show Pages.

With that, I should say at this point, that Samuel Kiwasz, pronounced Key-Vash, was our guest on Life Changes With Filippo Radio Show tonight.

Samuel has extensive experience as a conscious community synergist. A native of Los Angeles he was the founder/facilitator of Transformational Friends of Santa Monica from 1989 - 1991.

This was a grassroots community group that met at his home every week to share meditation, music, speakers from the community, wholesome food and consciousness raising movies.

Recently, he has retired from his job as an independent studies teacher in the Los Angeles Unified School District after 22 years. Samuel considers himself a lifelong student, and lifelong teacher.

He has a Masters Degree in American Studies from Pepperdine University and has created and taught his original seminar called "Sacred Geometry, A Way of Life," for over twelve years.

For the last five years, he has been involved in sending daily email blasts from to his large list of people involved in consciousness, health and socially relevant topics. He is about to create a monthly calendar on his website to list worthwhile events for the mind, body, spirit "cultural creative" community.

Currently, every month or two, Samuel and his wife, Pauline, host speakers at their home who have something invaluable to share for the raising the awareness of our society. He has also been instrumental in helping some healers in Los Angeles with marketing in order to get their practice off the ground.

Samuel's main website, is dedicated to building Conscious Community and features Sacred Geometry Pendants that people can wear to increase their Vibrational Frequency. His other website features products like Miron VioletFlame Glass Bottles and Jars to improve the absorbability of water and increase the lifeforce of superfoods while helping them to stay fresher longer.

Serving as a social alchemist, he has a passion for connecting people to whatever it is that will take them to their next level of spiritual development.

Contact info:


Thank you Samuel for being on our show and for being, along with us, a growing number of people, of which you are a part of helping grow the numbers, of Positive Change Agents, who are ushering the changes we wish to see in the world.

Filippo Voltaggio

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