To inspire humanity in embracing, honoring and engaging change!

A Radio Show, and Live Event Show about the changes going on in our selves, in our lives and in our world. We interview ordinary people who have done extra-ordinary things to either change themselves, help others change or change the world for the better. We are each others' teachers, we are each others students, lets be inspired and become Positive Change Agents ready to usher in the changes we wish to see in the world.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Fred Burks on Life Changes With Filippo

Our guest tonight is the webmaster of more websites than you can shake a stick at. And each website is packed full of information. Some fascinating stuff. I couldn't wait to interview him and from the pre-interview, I knew this was going to be good, and it was. Our guest tonight on Life Changes With Filippo Radio Show was Fred Burks.

The greatest passion of Fred Burks is the expansion and transformation of consciousness in ourselves and on our planet. Before resigning from his professional career with the U.S. Department of State in 2004 due to excessive secrecy demands, Fred served for 18 years as a language interpreter for hundreds of fascinating individuals from all walks of life, including such notable figures as Clinton, G.W. Bush, Gore, and Cheney. In this work, Fred participated in numerous secret meetings where only the key players and their interpreters were allowed.

After receiving a wealth of eye-opening information on major cover-ups from respected friends and colleagues, Fred was inspired to develop the popular website in late 2002. Continually opening to divine guidance, Fred has dedicated himself both to getting the word out about the cover-ups, and to inspiring others to help transform ourselves and our world through love and empowerment. He is currently executive director of the PEERS network of websites and manager of

Through his interpreting work and through his active participation in an international network of courageous individuals dedicated to transformation, Fred has acquired in-depth knowledge both of the inner workings of our political and economic systems, and of exciting transformation going on at all levels.

The deepest intention of Fred Burks for his entire adult life has been to do his best to choose what's best for all. His favorite saying is "I give all that I am into the service of All This Is." This intention has brought countless miracles into his life, including interpreting for Presidents G.W. Bush and Bill Clinton in the White House, founding several love-and-spirit based communities on the Internet and in the SF Bay Area, and the ability to transform his own judgment and arrogance to find love and deeper connection with everyone in his life.

He manages several popular websites and online courses which are all about transformation and building a new paradigm on our planet.

Explore some of the many transformational websites Fred manages through the PEERS network of empowerment websites at

You can also go to our website at and currently hear the entire interview on our Archived Radio Show Pages.

Thank you Fred for being on our show and for being, along with us, a Positive Change Agent, helping usher in the changes we wish to see in the world.


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