To inspire humanity in embracing, honoring and engaging change!

A Radio Show, and Live Event Show about the changes going on in our selves, in our lives and in our world. We interview ordinary people who have done extra-ordinary things to either change themselves, help others change or change the world for the better. We are each others' teachers, we are each others students, lets be inspired and become Positive Change Agents ready to usher in the changes we wish to see in the world.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Denise Martell on Life Changes With Filippo Radio Show

Denise Martell, a stress manager, fitness expert and life coach, who has worked with Hollywood's biggest names and business superstars, and Authur of “What’s Your Stress?” was our guest on "Life Changes With Filippo," tonight.

Denise is just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. You know, it is interesting about Denise. She came on the show, just because she wanted to impart information to our audience. Through her friendship with our producer Mark Skelton, we were able to book her. We know she gets asked to do many interviews but she doesn't actually have the time for them. Besides keeping a full work schedule, she is a full-time Mom.

But she changed some plans around so she could be on the show. But the best part is, that she wasn't promoting anything. Not that she couldn't promote anything. But I had to chuckle when I asked her where people could buy her book, and she responded by telling me her book wasn't even done.

I already knew that she wasn't accepting any new clients at the moment because she was overbooked as it was. And so, true to who she is, a very giving and caring person, she was on our show to promote a less stressful way of living for all of us, and that is it. Gotta love it.

Hear her tips on doing just that at, while it is currently available on our Archived Radio Show pages.

Thank you Denise for being on our show and for being, along with us, our families, friend and fans, a Positive Change Agent for the changes we wish to see in the world.


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