To inspire humanity in embracing, honoring and engaging change!

A Radio Show, and Live Event Show about the changes going on in our selves, in our lives and in our world. We interview ordinary people who have done extra-ordinary things to either change themselves, help others change or change the world for the better. We are each others' teachers, we are each others students, lets be inspired and become Positive Change Agents ready to usher in the changes we wish to see in the world.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Michael Pattinson on Life Changes With Filippo Radio Show

Michael Pattinson was our guest on our radio show tonight. What a distinguished gentleman he is. You can learn all about him at and actually at many other links which you can find at our website,

Michael was an artist who found he could see music, not the written notes, although he could see those too. But while music was playing and he could hear it, he could also see it, so he started painting the music that he saw.

Michael explains that music is just frequency and frequency is color and he was seeing the color and more and was painting it. He became quite famous in the art world with his paintings and had major showings in art galleries throughout the world.

But the reason we really wanted Michael on the show was because, after he stopped painting, he discovered that he could not only see music, but he could see energy and frequencies, period. And instead of paint them, he could tell people about them. In other words, he was seeing where energy was stuck in peoples' bodies and tell them what it meant.

Michael also started visions of the future and let me tell you, the future, according to Michael, is bright.

You can currently hear the whole show on our archive pages at our website

Thank you Michael for being part of the show, and along with us, and all our family, friends and fans, a part of the positive change we all wish to see in the world.

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