Barnet Bain was our guest on Life Changes With Filippo Radio Show tonight and it again was a night of many firsts. First of all, this was our last show of our first year in broadcasting on the BBS Radio Network as "Life Changes With Filippo!" And what a great way to end the year, with a BANG!
Secondly, thanks to BuzzBroz.com we video taped the show again for our Youtube Channel but we taped it in a different part of the studio and so it took some maneuvering and figuring out the best way to do it. Thirdly, as if Barnet's star isn't bright enough, which it is, in more ways than one, Barnet invited a friend to join us in the studio. And his friend was Norman Seeff, another bright shining star. Click on his name to see what he's about. And having two luminaries like that in the studio at the same time was certainly a first and a treat.
So needless to say, it was a very special show. So much so, that I can't wait to do it again, in some capacity or other.
You can hear the show at our website at www.LifeChanges.ws or watch it on our Youtube Channel at www.Youtube.com/FilippoVoltaggio.
And if you don't know enough about Barnet, you will certainly learn a lot by listening to this interview, but here is a teaser.
Barnet Bain is an award winning Hollywood producer and director and a sought after success coach. As a leader in the field of personal and transformational development, Barnet has inspired millions of people around the world.
Among his films are ‘life after death’ Oscar winner What Dreams May Come, The Celestine Prophecy, Jesus, and triple Emmy Award nominee, Homeless to Harvard.
His upcoming productions include Richard Bach’s Illusions and Milton’s Secret by Eckhart Tolle and Robert Friedman.
Barnet's column, The Tao of Hollywood appears regularly on http://www.facebook.com/l/2c702;Findbliss.com
Barnet’s latest film, The Lost and Found Family is now available at your local video store. To inquire about inviting Barnet to speak at your next event, contact The Tao of Hollywood at (323) 656-8829.
Thank you Barnet for being in my life, for being part of our radio show tonight, and for being, along with a growing number of us, a Positive Change Agent, ushering in the changes we wish to see in the world.
Filippo Voltaggio